But how many people really focus on their health as their true wealth? What amount of time and resources to people put into their health? I know people who spend multiple thousands a year on luxury cars and designer clothes but ‘can’t afford organic food’ for their family.

One person who has recently put her health first is Elizabeth Williams from Massachusetts, USA. She has been in chronic pain for some years, and decided to try All You Need. She sent us this message:"I am a little lost for words! I have been in pain every day for some time, and on bad days the pain lasts all day. However, today was the first day with no pain all day! I have been taking All You Need for a week. Is this possible? In such a short time?? I am amazed! I will be taking this forever, thank you."

All You Need’s nutritional consultant Juliette Bryant tells us why All You Need may have helped her so profoundly:“Magnesium is the mineral of relaxation and when someone gets enough of it (as in taking All You Need) they may find quick relief from pain. The supergreens, medicinal mushrooms and natural sources of vitamin C in All You Need can also help reduce inflammation and ease pain. However, it is the combination of all the ingredients working together, that act like a beautiful garden of flowers and plants – that make All You Need such a powerful healing force.”

Another person who understands that Health is Wealth is Tom Fortes Mayer, a successful business mentor. He told us,“All you need is epic, delicious and every fragment of my being thanks me for it every time I take it. Pure soul food of joy!!!!”

And let’s not forget the incredible health transformation of AYN’s CEO Jonathan Woollard who went from being on death’s door to being a super-fit personal trainer thanks to All You Need.

And we love sharing the amazing health story from Shannon Dilks who used All You Need as part of a nutrition protocol to treat her young child’s ‘incurable’ eczema. You can read about her story in our expanding News section on the All You Need website. https://allyouneedsuperfoods.com/news/